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Learn to be zen @ school


Dear partners and participants,

Here you can find the tools that we are inviting you to test, use, evaluate and improve across the project’s 10 subjects over the course of the following two years:

  • Animated video clips for children between 5 and 12 years old on the topic of school stress to help us start the conversation
  • Educational sheets for teachers and parents to start conversations with children to help guide them towards finding their own solutions
  • Activities and fun tools to help children explore and name their emotions.

They will be regularly uploaded on our website, as sorted by subject, and you will be able to download them by using a password that will be given to you after signing up to our programme.

Thank you for evaluation, comments and suggestions.


Now available:


For a better understanding

Stress and emotions

What happens in my brain?


What is fear? What can we do?



What is anger What can we do?


Sadness and discouragement

What is sadness and discouragement? What can we do?

Dealing with anger

How do I help my friend manage their anger?


What is intelligence? And how does it work?


How is it like to be zen and attentive? What can we do?

Handling sadness and discouragement

How can I help my friend handle their feelings of sadness and discouragement?

Handling fear

How do I help my friend manage their fear?

Making mistakes

Is it bad to make mistakes?

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