How can I help my friend handle their feelings of sadness and discouragement?
When you address a child’s sadness or discouragement, you help them share their grief, help them feel less alone. With the listening and help of the adult, he understands that he has limits, that he is not all-powerful, that life is made up of joys and sorrows. He learns to gather his strength with courage to get back into action, step by step, and do his best.
Empathy is defined as the act of trying to understand the inner experience of another person, to attune to their emotions. These social and interpersonal skills can be trained. You can explain to the children the appropriate ways of behaving and, more importantly, demonstrate and apply them, since they learn first and foremost through observation and imitation of adults.
You’re now ready to watch the eighth video clip of the Learn to be zen @ school programme. Enjoy your viewing!
When you show it to your students, we suggest you show it to them once in full to collect their initial reactions. Then you can watch it again bit by bit in order to go into more detail and gain more educational value.