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How is it like to be zen and attentive? What can we do?

Stress has a detrimental effect on our attention and performance. That’s why it’s important to learn to manage our unpleasant emotions. To give our motivation and learning capacities a boost, all you need to do is create a positive, joyous, open and compassionate environment. This kind of atmosphere promotes inquisitiveness and active participation in the children.

When it comes to human interaction, positive emotions are contagious. Smiling at another person is a sign of acceptance, it reassures and is pleasant. Joy contributes to reinforcing social connections and is therefore conducive to cooperation amongst the children.


You’re now ready to watch the fifth video clip of the Learn to be zen @ school programme. Enjoy your viewing!

When you show it to your students, we suggest you show it to them once in full to collect their initial reactions. Then you can watch it again bit by bit in order to go into more detail and gain more educational value.

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