Learn to Be (Belgium) in partnership with Savoir-être à l’école (France) and l’Ecole Franco-Allemande of Fribourg (Germany) have now launched the Learn to be zen @ school programme! This is an Erasmus + European strategic partnership project.
Partners and participants (schools, teachers, educators and parents) tested, implemented, evaluated and helped to adjust these tools, which are now provided free of charge to the general public.
Download the official presentation document (PDF)
The timeline
- February 2017 – Discussions about emotions and the beginning of the adventure
Numerous discussions between the Learn to Be team and childhood professionals to answer together the question: How to discuss the theme of emotions with children?
- March 2017 – Start of the Learn to be zen @ school project
Creation of a partnership with Savoir-être à l’école (France) and the Franco-German School of Freiburg (Germany), based on the idea of producing videos combined with activity sheets and play-and-learn materials. And this in three languages: French, German and English.
- September 2017 – The project is launched: get to work now!
With the support of Erasmus +, creation of the first video clips and educational tools. Presentation of the project in different fairs and schools, on social networks etc.
- February 2018 – Website and first topic are unveiled
Opening of the https://learntobezen.eu website and launch of the first tools for testing in participating or partner schools.
- End of August 2019 – Completion of the experimental project
The tools were gradually implemented by a series of volunteer teachers: 75 Belgians, about ten Germans and 33 French. About 3,000 children participated in these workshops. Evaluations, by children and adults, were provided to the partnership.
- September 2019 – Launch of the toolbox to the general public
Availability of all Learn to be zen @ school tools to the general public, free of charge.